Gm sports

Glavas Management Sports & Consulting supports athletes around the world. It has been a part of this company for many years. With our experience in this business we manage and help athletes expand and grow their online presence through social media marketing. With us they get the opportunity to work and cooperate with different companies from all around the world.

We provide our athletes with all the neccessary digital marketing plans, designs and layouts while also giving them the opportunity to get their own custom made website to showcase themselves, their careers and their brands. 

We focus on what is best for our athletes and their careers regarding the people and companies we set them up to work with and the deals that they are presented with. The priority is to keep our clients happy and giving them a company that they can put their trust in. 

Our athletes

Hi, I'm Ivona Dadic

I’m a track and field athlete that competes at the hepthatlon event. I’m a two time olympian as well as a medalist at the european and world championsships!

I’ve been with team Glavas Management for over 4 years now. Not only did they help me gain a huge online presence on my social media platforms but I also got to know and work with so many amazing people and companies.

They are more than a company for me, they are a family, always there for me and the biggest thing for me is that they put what’s best for my career first.

I'm Dominik Distelberger

I’m a track and field athlete that competes at the decathlon event. 

I’m a olympian and a 17x time Austrian champion. My favourite event is the hurdles and my main goal right now are the upcoming olympics!

I’m thankful to Glavas Management for taking me in and helping me with my online presence.

Hello, I'm Kai Kazmirek

I’m a track and field decathlon athlete! I came third place at the world championships in London 2017.

My favourite event is the longjump and I’m really looking forward to the olympics next season.

I’m thankful too Glavas Management for helping me with everything and hopefully we can have a long cooperation together.

Hi there, I'm Kristijan Dobras

I’m a professional Austrian football player that has been playing highest tier football for many years now. 

I play as a central/offensive midfilder. I prefer more attacking style football since I enjoy going forward and setting people up for goals as well as shooting myself.

My previous clubs were abroad but now I’m back in the Austrian Bundesliga.

My goals are to evolve as a player and to keep playing at the highest tier for many more years and winning as much trophies as possible.